Get Planted - Plant Based Eating / Food and Wellness / Clean Living

Book online: Here

Contact me to discuss the best option for your individual needs. I am able to offer a sliding scale when appropriate. I will always try and find a way to support those in need regardless of financial situation.

I have been a lover of food from day one.  This love of food has taken me on quite a journey and through it all I have learned a tremendous amount about myself, others, and my relationship with animals and the planet.  I am passionate about food and inspiring others to eat with conviction and integrity, not only to themselves but to the planet that produced it.  For me, it isn’t just about not eating meat, but it is about understanding your personal relationship with the food you eat and really appreciating the miracle of energy transforming into energy as it nourishes the body.   As my relationship with food developed into what it is today, so has the foods that I chose to eat.   I ate meat and animal products as a child but became vegetarian –by way of my parents direction at around 10 years old.  From age 10 until age 27 I was vegetarian but had bouts of eating meat from time to time.   Having never really made the choice for myself to eat any sort of way, my choice to be vegetarian was motivated more by what tasted good to me, instead of any kind of personal or moral conviction.   At age 27, by way of a co-worker, I was challenged to educate myself and hold myself accountable to this education I received regarding food.   This is when I chose to become completely plant-based.  This choice opened the door to self-exploration, self-discovery  and an undying passion that smolders inside me today.   Nothing brings me more excitement and joy than guiding and coaching others as they embark down the sacred path of plant based eating and the re-discovery of food.

my personal commitment

I will never judge you or expect you to be ready or willing to make any choices about your eating.  This is entirely your path.  I am committed to be your guide and support thru it.  There is no "right" way to do this and there is no end result.  This is about your journey and what you learn along the way.  My hope is that you find a new love for food and a new understanding for your body and what it means to thrive in vibrancy, wholeness and complete wellness.

areas of focus

I will provide emotional support as you detox from usual eating habits

Plant based eating education

Protein, Iron, Etc.  What do you really need and how much

Understanding cravings

Freedom from fast food

Menu ideas

Shopping lists

Eating with the seasons

Vitamin and supplement education


Pregnancy & plant based eating

Children & plant based eating