Alana Whitelaw-Lawrence CHLC

Alana Whitelaw-Lawrence CHLC, CHt

Your journey to connecting with the inner you... the real you… the healthy, peaceful and happy you… starts here. 

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Are you seeking freedom from depression, anxiety, obsessive thoughts, addiction? Do you desire peace, calm and the ability to be present in your life? Do you feel like something is missing in your life? A lack of purpose, a lack of connection, a lack of joy? So many are struggling with these things. You aren't alone. My passion and purpose is helping each of my clients, navigate their unique path towards healing, self love and true fulfillment.

Why try the holistic approach?  It’s simple. You are not just your mind or your body, etc.  But rather, you are a complex being, with many facets.  Rooted in this truth, my methods will guide you to dig deep and find true, long lasting healing and freedom from the parts of you that intensely need it.

As a Transformational Healer, Certified Holistic Life Coach, Certified Master Reiki Practitioner and Certified Hypnotherapist, I am armed with unique techniques, all centered in the truth that your life path and every experience you have, is important and valuable. Using these techniques, I will guide you to dig deep and help facilitate your sacred journey of self discovery, release, healing and evolution.

I specialize in personal empowerment, inner child work, shadow work, healing from beliefs that harm, and rewiring the minds stubborn thinking that will continue to limit you. I am an expert in issues surrounding addiction, obsessive thoughts, fear anxiety and depression. You will learn to see beyond your fears, anxieties and limiting false beliefs. Ultimately finding the inspiration to live the happiest and most fulfilling life available to you.

For those suffering from an unhealthy relationship with food, I am also a Plant-Based Eating & Clean Living Coach. In a loving and safe space, I will guide you to explore this relationship and guide you to heal where needed so you can feel clarity inspiration and motivation within your life so you can begin to make different choices for yourself in this area.

For those suffering from substance abuse issues, the holistic approach to the 12 steps often helps bring a deeper level of therapy to all aspects of the experience of recovery, and something I have many years of study and experience with. This approach is powerful and effective and often necessary, for lasting freedom from the all-consuming disease of addiction.

Online Therapy

About alana

Alana is a Transformational Therapist & Healer, Certified Holistic Life Coach, Certified Master Reiki Practitioner and licensed Hypnotherapist with over 10 years experience.  She has made it her lifetime commitment to help guide others to find their peace, passion and love for life.  Alana is currently in the process of obtaining her Masters in Metaphysical Sciences.  In addition, she has 14 years sobriety and is skilled in dealing with helping others face the demons of addiction and gain the tools needed to achieve long- term sobriety.   She can be that much needed light to help guide you through your personal darkness or just the motivation you need to help you follow that goal that has evaded fruition for far too long. 

Alana believes you are a unique being and you are more than just the story of your life. Alana’s healing philosophy draws from concepts rooted in spiritually, unconditional love and the reverent understanding that your path is important and your experience is sacred. True healing begins when you gain the ability to see, love and listen to your needs in the way you innately deserve.

Alana is a skilled listener, mentor and motivator.  She brings a lifetime of refined ability to see right to the core of an issue, and a true heart for seeing all for who they really are - deep down.  Alana will create a safe place for you to explore your inner fears,  discover your greatest joys and ultimately, find your truest light. 

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Pricing & packages

Ready to take the next step? I would love to hear from you. If you have financial restrictions, please don’t let that stop you from reaching out. For those in need, I can offer a reduced fee for our sessions.

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